Siri AndersenDec 13, 2022The cardio conundrumIt's a common misconception that we need to to hours of cardio to lose weight. Treadmills are literally running hot by all the New Year...
Siri AndersenNov 26, 2022The importance of proteinProtein is a building block for all our cells, so becomes vital in building muscle - and the health benefits of building muscle mass are...
Siri AndersenNov 21, 20225 benefits of resistance trainingStrength training, used interchangeably with resistance training, is simply using some form of resistance to build muscle strength and/or...
Siri AndersenNov 13, 2022Why women should do resistance training20 years ago, I was one of the only girls in the gym weights room with a bunch of bulky guys. I ventured out of the safety of a step...